Bamba is a baked snack containing 50% peanuts, enriched in vitamins and iron and free of preservatives and food coloring. Due to its uniqueness Ð soft yet crispy, savory yet sweet Ð Bamba is loved by Israelis of all ages. Bamba is the bestselling snack in Israel, accounting for close to a quarter of the snacks market. 90% of Israeli households buy Bamba regularly and every day 1 million bags of Bamba are produced. Bamba was first produced in 1964 with a cheese flavor and in 1966 the cheese flavor was replaced in favor of peanut butter Ð the winning flavor that has made Bamba part of Israeli culture.
We live a highly spiritual and holistic lifestyle, so we infuse positive energy into every piece created. Life can be miraculous when we are using our positive thoughts and energy in everything we do. Our wish for you: ~ “May you enjoy your purchase from this shop ~ As much as we have had in creating it for you. And may you always wear it in great health!
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